We're Back!

We're back to regularly updating the blog and as you'll notice all the previous post have returned. We're also proud to announce that Guerrilla Gardening has been selected  as recipient of the Ontario Media Developement Corporation: Screen-based Content Initiative (say that ten times fast) which will be providing much of the funding for our early prototype work!

As a small developer trying to  make the shift from contract work to independent projects like Guerrilla Gardening, I can't express how much this is going to help us.  It's fantastic that the province of Ontario is helping support not just Spooky Squid Games but several other small independent game developers at the early development stage, when it is especially difficult to get outside funding.

Anyway I know most of you are here to read about the game and not about the trials and tribulations of funding small game companies.  I'll be posting up an entry about the process of  designing the police sprites in a few minutes and should have the new development video online either tonight or sometime tomorrow depending on how long my 'post life drawing class' coffee buzz lasts.